Local Artists Ask The Question

24 07 2012


You hear it all of the time…Support your local talent. The support they get is sometimes the the push they get to keep performing their art in public. What you don’t hear all the time is the question local artists ask themselves, “Can I go full time?” When is the time artists ask themselves “Can I pursue my passion full time?” In truth they probably ask themselves that all the time. The real question would have to be, when is it they answer the question with “Yes I can!”.

David Christopher has answered this question with “Yes I can”, quite some years ago now. I had the privilege of witnessing two of his live gigs here in Canberra very recently. One at King O’Malleys in Civic Canberra and the other at A Bite To Eat in Chifley shops Canberra.


So as an audience member I felt honoured to be supporting such local talent. As a whole, a bunch, a hungry mob of fans insatiably devouring entertainment like its their last meal, are we giving enough back to the local talent we so love to listen to and watch? Personally I don’t think so. Yes Okay, the artists get immediate feedback through their live gigs and if you could live off praise alone I dare say that would be the most satisfying job in the world. Its so easy now to enjoy entertainment for free. I think the onus has come back onto the audience to give back to the artist. So how do we do that? Sharing has become easy and like breathing these days too and in a way we do help the artists by face-booking, twittering and the like to our friends. We can go further and the options are a natural next step, like buying CD’s or paying for and downloading their music. I know in my mind there is a nagging moral question in the back of my mind when I am a member of the hungry audience enjoying the nights performance. “How can I give back to this artist whom has entertained me so well tonight?”

David Christopher dropped his latest single this year in May 2012. The lyrics were written by Michael Lee and music composed and performed by David Christopher. A great combination melded together by these two artists sees the birth of a great song.

I had the honour of producing a music video to this single and in a way, my way of giving back to some truly talented artists. I like giving back in this way as I get to creatively express myself using their talent to promote their talent. Can only be good, when done right.

The Light In Me


So I say give back and rock on!

David Christopher https://www.facebook.com/davidchristopherspace

Michael Lee http://bmsadventure.blogspot.com.au/